High risk card processors have been offering merchant accounts for companies processing recurring and continuity payments for years. These businesses have been placed in the category of being high risk because they are prone to chargebacks and sometimes fraud. Merchants need to be able to find secure processing that understands their business 100% and that will help the business build and expand their brand. Customers should be able to easily read and understand the merchant’s offer to double check the terms and conditions. This is important because if the customers understand the terms they will be less likely to chargeback their purchase.
Continuity is considered high risk because this sales system relies on customers opting out of the membership or recurring charge. This is called negative option. Negative option selling is high risk because the consumer has to contact the merchant in order to discontinue future billings. Card processors and banks are worried about customers that contact their card issuer to chargeback or dispute the charge because they have not contacted back the merchant first. These chargebacks can be avoided for the most part if the customer service at the business is available daily and they are actively refunding and discontinuing future billings on their card. If the customer service is not available or they are not processing the requests of the customer they are going to receive chargebacks and the customer service is ineffective.
Fraud is a major factor when it comes to marking recurring business models as high risk. Normal fraud though is not the banks or processors major concern, friendly fraud is. Friendly fraud is when a customer charges back or disputes a charge that they have knowingly placed. This is troublesome because unlike regular fraud where the cardholder most likely will contact the customer service office at the business, friendly fraud knows they are not going to get a refund from the company since everything was provided as promised. The customer will call the bank directly to get their money back and the merchant will have no idea what is going on or how they can avoid the process. In this situation the merchant must begin using IP verification and card verification processes that is more in depth compared to the normal online merchant. This will help to protect the business against from friendly fraud. It will assist the business in verifying the identity of the customer as they are placing the order.
Offshore Merchants will help to approve and setup your business with a recurring payment system for your continuity business. Offshore Merchants using the most advanced fraud scrubbing software in order to detect fraudulent transactions. These transactions will be declined and customers will not be able to place them. The company is able to manage the level of fraud protection to make sure they are receiving all of their orders as well as not allowing fraud orders to be processed. Merchants will agree that the Offshore Merchants system is the most state of the art system.
Contact one of our helpful account representatives to assist you in the setup of a high risk merchant account or offshore merchant account for a high risk merchant.