If your business is involved with selling replica products you are aware of the difficulty with opening a high risk merchant account. Replica merchants are categorized as high risk for a number of reasons. These merchants operate outside of the United States and their products are considered illegal in many jurisdictions. Most replica merchants are located or operate out of China. These replica products include; shoes, watches, hand bags, sunglasses, belts, clothing and jackets. These merchants must make sure that they have a safe and secure payment processing solution setup in a country that will not threaten legal action against the merchant or the payment processor. Replica merchant accounts are available by a number of payment processors however the pricing and setup times are very important to make sure that merchants are paid frequently and paid on time.
Replica merchants will never be approved or setup in the majority of the countries around the world because of the risk involved with the bank or processing entity. Some offshore banks however like processing payments for replica merchants since there is a physical product being sold that is able to be easily tracked using the tracking number provided by the merchant. This tracking number is created by the shipping company and is able to be tracked directly on their website. This solves a number of problems before they start. A large amount of chargebacks or retrievals with product based businesses is because of the shipping time. Customers are not sure if their product has shipped or if it has, where it is. These issues are avoided when replica merchants provide tracking numbers as orders ship. Customers will not chargeback their cards if they see that the product is in route to them.
The advantage of obtaining an offshore merchant account is that the merchant will have access to a number of features otherwise unavailable with traditional payment processors. Offshore merchants will be able to access daily online reporting with the ease and accuracy that the merchant expects. This information is obtained by easily navigating the payment processor’s backend that is available to all merchants. Replica merchant accounts include the most sophisticated fraud protection tools in order to combat fraud at all levels. The merchant is able to adjust the sensitivity of the fraud protection. Customer service and tech support reps are available to merchants in order to fix problems arising from the payment gateway. An additional benefit of using an offshore merchant account is having the ability to process as much volume as the merchant wants to with having to worry about a volume cap. High risk offshore merchant accounts feature a simple API integration.
Offshore merchants will setup your business with a competitively priced merchant account in a short amount of time. Rates and terms vary depending on your specific business and history that you are able to provide. Most merchants are able to secure approval within 7-10 days and setup only following by a couple days.
Contact one of our helpful account representatives to assist you in the setup of a high risk merchant account or offshore merchant account for a high risk merchant.